Monday, November 3, 2014

Reading: Seeing the past in present tense

Before reading this article I knew that monuments were statues, buildings, or other structures that were made to show respect to a notable person, a certain era or event. After reading the article, I totally agree with  Levine when she says that they can reposition you in relation to what you already know because it changed how i looked at monuments. This article enlightened me on the significance of many monuments that society has forgotten about.  But at the same time it makes me think about all the monuments that has been destroyed or just aren't even around any more. Knowing all of this brings up the question "How long will or could a monument last not only physically but mentally and how much value it has through its length of its being?" Many people don't even know about certain monuments in their hometowns but its not because they don't care its because they weren't informed about it. Such as the monument in Harburg, many people's stores were right next to it but they had no knowledge that it was even there. I don't believe the past can be forgotten or lost if someone has the knowledge of it happening.

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